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We are

Perfect Square

The man is the centre of our philosophy and how we can improve his image and presence in society and business through personal branding.
We are proud because we always meet every deadline, and with our culture, we build with our clients relationships that last and stay active 24/7.

Since I was a kid, I have been moving around painting everything I could; my creativity was visible all over the walls, driving my mother crazy.

Nothing was there for me when I attended finance, except for my later ability to follow the budgets.

Since my youth, I have been actively involved in politics and still am in many ways. I love the election period. 

While volunteering for the United Nations, I started to view the world, cultures, financial connections and people from another perspective. As a result, I fully understood the big picture of our society. 

Many crazy travelling followed, from Tunisia, Libia, and Algeria to Morocco through the amazing Sahara desert. From Bangkok to Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam by car. Part in archaeological excavations in Egypt, swimming with sharks or the most visited paradise islands and mountain resorts... And so, so, so many other loved experiences.

From my career as a high-profile PA, I learned that "no" it's not an acceptable answer. It feels like a vacation if I have only a couple of projects. So I multitask; otherwise, I am bored. 

I will never forget what my mother used to say "You will never say in your life I can't; there is only I don't want to in life; if you want, there is always a way, find it" This is the essence of my life, professional and private.

This is what I offer my clients; if there is even one way to provide them with what they want, I will find it and deliver it.

Panorea Katopodi | Πανωραία Κατωπόδη

Panorea D. Katopodi

I will never forget what my mother used to say "You will never say in your life I can't; there is only I don't want to, in life; if you want, there is always a way, find it" this is the essence of my life.
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